Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Shoe Cozies!

Shoe Cozies by Andi
These handy dandy shoe holders keep your shoes from getting scuffed when you travel
The material is super soft and it even cinches at the top!
This one above is Nicki's

These are mine- love the fabric!!


  1. Wow, these look familiar!!!! I love these shoe bags! Andi's intention was for one bag to fit one shoe. I, however, can put a pair in a single bag! I use these all year long, but have found them to be most useful during the winter months when I wear my "driving" shoes while I commute, and then have my "work" shoes ready to go once I get in my office. Love them... thanks Andi!!! ..... Danielle

  2. Toaster cozy can't be far off.

  3. I guess if you have elf feet, you can fit two elf shoes in a bag.

    Toaster cozy: next Christmas.
