Sunday, August 22, 2010


We take Andi's totes everywhere. This one's a perfect size for everything, from the grocery store, to packing for a day at the lake. She stitched my name on the inside of the pocket.

Andi made this bag for her friend Carolyn. I love this print!

Mom loves taking this one to the farmers market. Great size for vegetables!


  1. Is that a zuccini in your tote, or are you just happy to see me?

  2. These are really cute!! I love the black & white one.

  3. I had to fight to get this bag because I thought it was the cutest and I loved the size. It went on my 5,000 mile trip last summer and was the best helper. I got lots of comments about it, even from the Amish in Missouri! Connie/Mom

  4. These bags are right on schedule. They are so in keeping with the times of how to be "green". I love them and I am sure that those whom you gave them too love them too. Love, Cindy (Musgrave) Black. :)
